


If you are looking to change or install any electrical wiring, sockets or appliances in your home then it's important that it is done safely.

Electricity can kill or severely injure people and cause damage to property, you should not undertake any work in your home without being qualified to do it.  Poor electrical installations and faulty electrical appliances can lead to fires, which may also cause death or injury to others so if you are thinking about installing anything new or making changes you should speak to a qualified electrician.

If it's just a new socket you need or a new fuse board, we can deliver a professional service for you from fully qualified registered electricians.

On 1st January 2005 the government introduced Part P of the building regulations.  Part P is a legal requirement for safety for electrical work within domestic dwellings.  Part P is regulated by a number of competent person schemes and although it is sometimes confusing they are making efforts to make it clearer.  However the electrical regulations are constantly being upgraded with the latest amendments coming into effect on 1st January 2016.

The long and short of it all is if you are not registered with a government recognised scheme and you are carrying out electrical work in a domestic property, you are breaking the law.  If you are find all the legislation confusing just give us a call and we will be able to explain this for you simply.

We can also help you understand what you will need to do to make changes to your wiring or install new equipment or appliances, and make sure that they are carried out safely keeping yourself and your family from harm.

So, whether you are considering installing a new socket, smoke detector, electric shower, bathroom or kitchen alterations, upgrading you fuse board, having a complete rewire or simply are unsure if you can safely install your Christmas lights then give us a call.

There are many dangers that can be caused by faulty electrics - the risk of electrical fires, electrocution and potentially fatal accidents are just a few.  So if your house is over 10 years old or you are thinking of making changes, it is worth getting your wiring inspected to make sure that it is both safe and compliant with the current safety standards.

Have you ever seen green 'goo' coming out of your sockets, switches or lights? This is likely to be seen in houses that were built between the mid 60's and early 70's.  At this time due to a copper shortage, the copper was mixed with aluminium to make it go further, but it is now known that these two metals react with PVC, the very thing that was used to encase them in at that time! This can cause many problems in a home and if you spot it, make sure you get it checked out quickly before it becomes a major problem.

Outdoor Electrics
If you are considering installing external sockets or lighting around your property it's essential to make sure that it is weatherproof from not just rain but any debris and dust too.

There are many regulations about installing electrics inside and outside of your home, these are all in place to ensure your safety and the safety of others.  It's not good enough to just run any cable from your home to a shed, it needs to be suitable for the job and the environment in which it is installed.  Imagine cutting through a normal household cable buried in your flower bed while gardening that isn't adequately protected.  The outcome could be unthinkable.

It's important to consider where your electricity is going to run from, and whether that circuit, or in fact your fuse board can take the additional load or accommodate more circuits.

Outside lighting enhances your experience in the garden or allows you to provide lights to any additional outbuildings like sheds and garages, but please make sure that what you are looking to install is safe.

Electrical Testing
If you are a landlord or someone that looks after a company's electrics you will know that you have to ensure that any electrics or electrical appliances are tested regularly - you have a legal requirement to do this ensuring that your tenants or staff are safe, ignorance is no longer an excuse, and you have a duty of care.

We can help you ensure that any equipment you provide is safe for the person using it by providing a health check (known as a PAT test, Portable Appliance Test) Doing this we can identify any signs of wear and tear or damage for you and can sometimes even repair the appliance to stop any faults in their tracks.

Why not give us a call now and we can help you ensure that everything is as safe as it can be.

To find out more about any aspect of your electrics, plumbing or heating just call on the number below or complete your email address and message and we will get back to you straight away.

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Please contact me any time.